Chow Brothers

Dream Came True Chow Brothers Acquired Stonewood Homes

With over 30years of experience as builders, Stonewood Homes is among the most trusted builders in New Zealand. The best part about working with them is that they love their work and that’s what can be seen in every project they deliver. The fate of the company saw a turning point when it acquired by Inno Capital owned by John Chow, who is elder of the two Chow brothers; the other one is Michael Chow.

Stonewood Homes is a renowned name in New Zealand that has been into building homes since 1987. Their immense experience in this field helps them in delivering satisfactory homes to their clients. They don’t compromise on their quality and service; no matter how many projects they have in their pipeline.

Interesting Facts to know about chow brothers Stonewood Homes

1. Stonewood was the third largest builder in New Zealand when it was acquired by Inno Capital in March 2016.

2. The company has over 30years of experience as a builder.

3. It uses eco-friendly business practices. It promotes the use of renewable resources, eco-friendly appliances, and non-toxic building products to safeguard the environment.

4. It keeps in mind the requirements of its clients and takes care of even the minute detailing for satisfactory results.

5. It has a network of 19 franchises across New Zealand.

6. Since its establishment, the company has built over 6000 homes.

Ever since it was acquired by John Chow’s Inno Capital, the company has an increase in its revenue. Being a part of the Chow Group, the business advisory role of the company is actively played by Brent Gilchrist, who has a business career of over 15years.

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